2016 Frost Farm Prize for metrical poetry
Judge David J. Rothman
David J. Rothman serves as the Director of Western State Colorado University’s Graduate Program in Creative Writing, along with also directing the program’s annual conference, Writing the Rockies, and editing Western’s national journal of poetry and criticism, THINK. His most recent volumes of poetry, both of which appeared in 2013, are The Book of Catapults (White Violet Press) and Part of the Darkness (Entasis Press). A book of creative nonfiction about mountains and mountain towns, Living the Life (Conundrum Press), also appeared in 2013. His poems, essays and scholarly work have appeared widely, in journals including Appalachia, Atlantic Monthly, Gettysburg Review, Hudson Review, Kenyon Review, Poetry, Threepenny Review and scores of other newspapers, journals and periodicals. He co-founded and served as first Executive Director of the Crested Butte Music Festival, was the founding Publisher and Editor of Conundrum Press (now owned by the Samizdat Group of Denver), and currently serves as Poet-in-Residence for Colorado Public Radio. He has served as Executive Director, President, and a Board Member of the Robinson Jeffers Association, and currently represents the southwest states on the governing board of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP). He has served on grant review panels for the NEH, the President’s Council on the Arts and Humanities, and a number of state arts councils. He lives in Crested Butte, Colorado.