"Listening to poets read their work in the barn, you can almost feel Frost’s presence..."
2024 Hyla Brook Reading Series
Join a community of poets and poetry lovers who gather in the intimate setting of Robert Frost's barn to hear nationally-acclaimed poets read their work. Except for August, readings begin Thursdays at 6:30pm, include a reading by a Hyla Brook poet before the featured reader and are followed by an open mic. All readings are free and open to the public. For easy reminders, click the icons at bottom of the page and follow us on social media.
Amy Lemmon — Thursday, June 13, 6:30pm
Amy Lemmon is the author of five poetry collections, including Saint Nobody (Red Hen Press) and The Miracles (C&R Press). Her work has appeared in The Best American Poetry, Rolling Stone, New Letters, Prairie Schooner, Court Green, The Journal, and elsewhere. She is Professor of English at the Fashion Institute of Technology-SUNY and lives in Astoria, New York.
Brian Evans-Jones — Thursday, July 11, 6:30pm
Brian Evans-Jones was Poet Laureate of Hampshire, England, before moving to New England in 2014. He won the Maureen Egan award from Poets & Writers in 2017, and his poems have been published in journals and contests on both sides of the Atlantic. He lives in Sharon, N.H. and teaches through his website The Poetry Place.
Special Reading — Frost Farm Conference Keynote Speaker: A.M. Juster, Friday, August 16, 7pm
A.M. Juster is the poetry editor for Plough, and has published ten books of original and translated poetry with three more coming soon. His work has appeared in Poetry, The Paris Review, Rattle, The Hudson Review, and other journals. His first book of original poetry won the Richard Wilbur Award, his translation of a Middle Welsh poem won the Willis Barnstone Translation Award, he is the only three-time winner of the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award, and he has been awarded two honorary degrees. He tweets extensively about formal poetry across the centuries and cultures at @amjuster.
Chelsea Woodard — Thursday, Sept. 12, 6:30pm
Chelsea Woodard’s third collection, At the Lepidopterist’s House (SIR Press, 2023) won the 2022 Michael Waters Poetry Prize and the 2024 Poetry by the Sea Book Award. Chelsea is also the recipient of the Peter Heinegg Literary Award, a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship, and a residency at Vermont Studio Center.