Master Class “No Unsacred Places”: Earthly Pleasures in Environmental Poetry


Ned Balbo and Jane Satterfield

As poet, essayist, activist, and farmer Wendell Berry has observed, “There are no unsacred places;/ there are only sacred places/ and desecrated places” (“How to Be a Poet”).  In our gathering, we’ll consider the many options for poets responding to the environment—lyric celebration, the exploration of non-human perspectives, lamentation over land or species lost, awe before nature’s powers of regeneration. With attention to both metrical and non-metrical work, we’ll discuss the role of close description in nature poetry as well as how so-called “eco-poetry” provides an alternative for those seeking to reinvent their understanding of the poet’s relationship to nature. The Frost Farm, itself formerly a site of environmental desecration, now restored and rich in history, will provide the perfect backdrop for discussion of your own poems.



Sponsored by the Trustees of the Robert Frost Farm and the Hyla Brook Poets